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21 juli 2015

Zeespiegelstijging kan sneller gaan dan gedacht: alarmerend toekomstscenario

The world's most famous climate scientist just outlined an alarming scenario for our planet's future
Door Chris Mooney, The Washington Post, 20 juli 2015

[...] James Hansen has often been out ahead of his scientific colleagues. With his 1988 congressional testimony, the then-NASA scientist is credited with putting the global warming issue on the map by saying that a warming trend had already begun. [...] Now Hansen [...] is publishing what he says may be his most important paper. Along with 16 other researchers - including leading experts on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets - he has authored a lengthy study outlining an scenario of potentially rapid sea level rise combined with more intense storm systems.

[...] The authors conclude that 2 degrees Celsius global warming—the widely accepted international target for how much the world should limit global warming—is "highly dangerous."

Later toegevoegd:

Scientists say Greenland just opened up a major new ‘floodgate’ of ice into the ocean
Door Chris Mooney, The Washington Post, 12 november 2105

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Door Matt McGrath, BBC News, 22 oktober 2015

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Door Robert McSweeney, CarbonBrief, 12 november 2015

Video: How Could Paris Climate Talks Ratchet Up To Success?
ClimateInteractive, 12 november 2015

Scientists say Paris climate pledges aren’t enough to save the planet’s ice
Door Chris Mooney, The Washington Post, 29 november 2015

Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries
Door Justin Gillis, The New York Times, 22 maart 2016

Climate Catastrophe, Coming Even Sooner?
Door Elizabeth Colbert, The New Yorker, 31 maart 2016

New research indicates that, due to global warming, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) may be headed for an unavoidable and disastrous collapse, triggering a rapid rise in sea levels.

Zie ook m'n blogs:
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Tags: klimaatverandering, opwarming aarde, broeikaseffect, zeespiegelstijging, oceaancirculatie, golfstroom, 2 graden Celcius, doel, grens, Zuidpool, Antarctica, Groenland, ijs, smelten, stormen, kuststeden, overstromingen

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