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20 mei 2014

West-Antarctica en Groenland smelten sneller dan gedacht: catastrofe bijna onafwendbaar

(c) Google Flood Maps bij 20 meter zeespiegelstijging

Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 20 mei 2014

Several new studies underscore scientists' concerns we're headed toward a coastline at least this [zie kaartje boven; K] flooded (20 meters or 69 feet) over many hundreds of years.

The worst-case scenario for sea level rise has now become simply the "business-as-usual" scenario, recent studies from NASA make clear. NASA glaciologist Eric Rignot, co-author of a new Greenland study, says that, taken together, the new papers "suggest that the globe's ice sheets will contribute far more to sea level rise than current projections show."

That means if we don't reverse carbon pollution emissions trends ASAP, sea level rise will likely be 4 to 5 feet or more by century's end. Also, the rate of sea level rise in 2100 could be upwards of 1 inch per YEAR! [...]

Zie ook (deels later toegevoegd):

Why Greenland's 'Dark Snow" Should Worry You

Door Eric Holthaus, Slate, 16 september 2014

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Door Christa Marshall en ClimateWire, Scientific American, 19 mei 2013

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The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt: Defending the Drama
Door Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, 23 maart 2015

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En m'n blognotities:
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